Fixed: PERF page WIND direction displays value 180 deg opposite of correct value.Fixed: George menu does not take into account the scaling of the interface.Fixed: Multi monitor - Exported displays not respecting brightness.Fixed: Crash on PLT client when CPG leaves from crew.Fixed: Weight issue after heavy loadout creates control problems.SCAS altitude channel damping and auto-shutdown behaviour was remodelled to react at specific limit parameters of the engine and vertical speed.SCAS tuned for modified flight dynamics model.The trim position of the helicopter and controls in hover and level flight modes has slightly changed.Improved behavior in transitional modes (roll-in/out and pitch-in/out).Increased helicopter roll stability at submaximal speeds.Helicopter controllability at low-speed maneuvering has been improved.The range of roll and pitch control has been increased, and at the same time, the stability of the helicopter has been increased in all flight modes, including:.Considerable change of flight dynamics model (WIP): See DCS: AH-64D | Laser Spot Tracking (COMING SOON) See video created earlier: DCS: AH-64D | Radar-Guided Hellfire Missiles (COMING SOON) Fixed: Rudder animation on net phantom doesn't work.Fixed: Dumb bombs, cluster bombs and LGBs stuck in the wrong mode if IAMs are selected and a designation is made.Fixed: WPDSG designates the wrong point if the TDC assigned to HUD in A/G mode.Fixed: High aspect BFM mission for Black Sea map - AI ignores player.Fixed:Snowplow option missing on FCR page without TGP installed.When taking defensive actions, radar threats displayed within the solid white ring should be prioritized over those outside the ring. Radar threats in Missile Guidance mode will appear inside the solid white ring. Radar threats in Track mode will appear just outside the solid white ring on the RWR display.

Each threat lethality ring has been moved slightly outward.Units and smoke are visible through clouds from long distance - fixed Required modules check is not working for the ww2 assets pack - fixed ME.GUI Error with task Embarking from Trigger actions in some cases - fixed.
Opera beta changelog full#
Once the helo's are full and troops remain a crash occurs - fixed
Opera beta changelog for free#
The lessons for free entry level Su-25T attack aircraft are improved: tuned triggers and timings added helpful highlights and in-simulation pictures for some lessons added RU voiceovers.Double-clicking on the IP address string copies it to clipboard. The “Favorites” interactive star is also presented for convenience. Select Role dialog now shows the name and IP address of the current server. Press the “question” mark button next to the Group Name field. Info window expanded with opportunity to auto or selectively rename the units in the group. Added smoke from vehicles and some static objects based on health, this means as a vehicle takes more damage you may see different levels of smoke giving you a better idea visually if you did any damage on that last run in.DCS: F/A-18C Flaming Sunrise Campaign by Sandman Simulation.