Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 12:p175-182. (1980) Generalized equations for predicting body density of women. (1978) Generalized equations for predicting body density of men.
Or, if you do have a skin fold caliper but would prefer more than just 3 sites, feel free to use the 7-Site Skin Fold Test Calculator. If you don't have a skin fold caliper, I suggest you try the Military Body Fat Calculator instead, which only requires a tape measure and 2 or 3 body part measurements. Using a high-quality professional tool called a caliper, a trained tester typically measures body fat at 3 to 9 sites on the body. A dynamic pie chart that graphically compares your fat weight to lean body weight.Built-in, mini, expandable calculators that do all of the averaging and converting for you.Images showing where on the body the caliper measurements should be taken from, for both males and females.In addition to the features common to most other online body fat calculators, this one also includes: The body fat calculations are based on the *Jackson/Pollock 3-Site Caliper Method.Ī skin fold test with a special skinfold caliper is considered to be the more accurate way to estimate body fat percentage than methods that use simple tape measurements. Perform calculation: Body Fat (Sum of 9 measurements in Step 1 x 27) / bodyweight in Lbs.

This calculator will help you to calculate your body fat percentage when using a skin fold caliper. Take fat measurements in millimeters using the calipers at the following sites Chest, Abdominal, Thigh, Bicep, Triceps, Subscapular, Subprailiac, Lower Back, Calf.